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Virus II OX
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Author:  haggisv [ 16 Feb 2007, 21:46 ]
Post subject:  Virus II OX

Here a few comments from Paul Pinkewich from 'table tennis world.com.au' regarding the Virus II OX that he uses. Paul Emailed me the information (after I asked) and told me I could post it here:

The Virus 11 is a frictionless pimples out rubber but lasts well,the pips
are actually soft and when you are pushing against a heavy backspin it
doesn't pop up like the Neubauer ones.
This is where technique comes into play as when you use the harder
frictionless pips then you have to push with a sideways action which
generates some speed, not easy to do.
When you put sponge on your pips then you are actually losing the pips out
effect and most of the balls are a float type which a good player will pick
you off.
I am finding now that all the better players are becoming aware how to play
against the pips type player and thus I actually win more of my points with
the reverse Domination 1.5 and encourage them to attack and then throw in
the pips usually on the forehand side which is effective.

Author:  LawOCG [ 16 Feb 2007, 22:35 ]
Post subject: 

I played Mr Pinkewich last night and got a good thrashing. He mowed me down with his ever changing chops. The placing of his chops are superb and the spin with the reverse rubber is heavy as a tonne of bricks. When it comes to his pips..... its just magic. The backspin produced with the pips isnt that heavy (though saying that its still VERY heavy, just not as heavy as his reverse chop) One second it floats and the next second its a brick. I respect him bigtime as his one of the greatest Australian champs. Needless to say Im nowhere near his level but It was a great experience playing against one of the heavyweights.

Author:  haggisv [ 16 Feb 2007, 22:49 ]
Post subject: 

Wow that is interesting, wish I got a chance to play him!

Is there anything special about the 1.5mm domination?

When you mention the 'back produced with the pips', do you mean you were looping and the backspin was spin reversal, or do he actually produce spin with it?

Author:  LawOCG [ 16 Feb 2007, 23:36 ]
Post subject: 

the domination.....very HEAVY chops and quite fast when he drives it past me

I meant backspin produced from chopping against my loops. I couldn't load up the power on my forehand past 60% because I had no idea what was coming at me and I hesitated big time. The chops that came back with the pips were incredibly hard to read. Anywhere from brick to feather depending on what he wants.

I have no idea regarding the spin reversal because he's just masterful with the pips and he could do whatever he wants with the ball.

Author:  Mathias [ 17 Feb 2007, 03:22 ]
Post subject: 

You should have stuck with your pips....

Author:  haggisv [ 17 Feb 2007, 07:27 ]
Post subject: 

LawOCG wrote:
the domination.....very HEAVY chops and quite fast when he drives it past me

I meant backspin produced from chopping against my loops. I couldn't load up the power on my forehand past 60% because I had no idea what was coming at me and I hesitated big time. The chops that came back with the pips were incredibly hard to read. Anywhere from brick to feather depending on what he wants.

I have no idea regarding the spin reversal because he's just masterful with the pips and he could do whatever he wants with the ball.

Cheers LawOCG!

Sounds like the sort of player I want to become :D

Author:  Shoebox9 [ 18 Feb 2007, 18:59 ]
Post subject: 

Is there anything special about the 1.5mm domination?

Domination is a hard sponged, medium pace, extremely tacky, long lasting rubber. Much more like a Chinese rubber than a Euro one.

Like many top level choppers, Paul twiddles at high speed.

Author:  Shoebox9 [ 02 Mar 2007, 10:13 ]
Post subject: 

What I "know" about Virus II, based on a combination of different posts-

* Virus II is made from a "frictionless" soft rubber compound, with equally smooth tips and pip stems.
* Depending on whether you attach the sheet length ways, or side ways (the logo is printed both ways, a brilliant idea I wish TSP has copied with Combi), you get more or less speed. I don't know if this is meant to be ball rotation speed, or speed off the bat.

From: johndos (DTTW)

"VIRUS II .05mm
This belongs under the general description as frictionless but only by degrees. Some of the Neubauer rubbers (say Super Special) are like
glass and produce terrific spin reversal and deceptive wobbles but make over the table attack very hard as the ball slides off the bat.

The surface is grippier than Neubauer and so with good chopping
action can generate some slight spin which can suprise some players
after they serve a no spin ball.

Most chops are nice, low and consistant and don't tend to lift or pop.
The sheet I tried had a small .05mm sponge attached so less wobble was produced but hitting over the table and returning power drives
was a tad easier. All in all one of the best LP's I've used but not as
much disturbing effect as their homepage suggests, I would change
the word 'excellent' wobble and spin reversal to good and I would
place it behind Neubauer for effects.

Dawei 3881-D OX
Well this rubber has a an even grippier surface than the Virus and so wobble and spin reversal was less. but attacking and lifting against push and chop was very easy."


"(level of difficulty: easy)
1. TSP Bamboo
2. Dr. Neubauer Boomerang (frictionless and very nasty for your opponent )
3. Toni Hold Virus 2 (frictionless, very safe, and pretty nasty for your opponent)

* Destroyer is rumoured to be identical to C8, which I understand has more grip than 388D-1. 388D-1 has soft smooth pips with grippy sides.

* So, if the above posters are correct, Virus II should have less spin reveral than Monster & Alligator Soft, but more than 388D-1, Destroyer, and the other host of Chinese l/pips.

* The great claim of Virus II seems to be an unusual level of control for it's degree of frictionlessness, and the ability to keep the ball path low.

Who can confirm or deny any of the above?! (ie is Destroyer really more grippy than 388D-1?)

Author:  Mathias [ 02 Mar 2007, 22:47 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks thats interesting. I'd be interested in knowing as well.

It doesn't strike me as being brilliant but simply closer to the frictionless/ soft pip grey zone.

Author:  LawOCG [ 02 Mar 2007, 23:41 ]
Post subject: 

I played with and against Destroyer in OX. Playing with it was crap, not good at anything. Playing against it is pretty hard when the opponent is attacking with it. But when it comes to playing against destroyer defense. Its quite easy as the ball isnt very heavy at all.

388D just like destroyer but a tad worser in every respect. Never tried 388d-1.

Played against boomerang, very dependent on my spin. If I give a lot of spin, the return is quite difficult to handle because of the sheer volume of spin reversal.

Played against Virus II (Paul Pinkewich). Got smashed hard needless to say. Got no loose balls, everything was low and the spin is quite heavy on chops. A nightmare to play against.

Author:  Shoebox9 [ 05 Mar 2007, 14:52 ]
Post subject: 

To be fair, part of the above may have been Paul's skill, rather than just the Virus II characteristics, but I'm going to buy a sheet anyway.

Thanks LawOCG.

Author:  haggisv [ 05 Mar 2007, 15:14 ]
Post subject: 

Shoebox9 wrote:
To be fair, part of the above may have been Paul's skill, rather than just the Virus II characteristics, but I'm going to buy a sheet anyway.

Thanks LawOCG.

Cool, can't wait to hear your feedback!

Author:  Silver [ 05 Mar 2007, 15:44 ]
Post subject: 

Had a guy up here who had a sheet of Virus II OX.

He eventually ditched it and went back to superblock.

Author:  Shoebox9 [ 05 Mar 2007, 17:09 ]
Post subject: 

Virus II is probably not the very best at-the-table long pip, but I want to mess about mixing in some chopping away from the table, so for this the Virus II is calling.

Author:  haggisv [ 05 Mar 2007, 17:37 ]
Post subject: 

Yes I don't think it's meant for the same style as superblock...

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